
Fityan Ghufran is a muslim youth organisation. We are an active, bold, passionate group of people always daring to be different.Our members consists of individuals from all walks of life. From the support of all our wonderful members , our energetic Youth Development Officer, our dedicated committee members , our family at Darul Ghufran Mosque , Fityan Ghufran has succeeded to prosper and grow as an organisation. All thanks and praises to Allah

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

GREAT NEWS EVERYONE. KRC4 IS COMING and registration is already opened.The camp will be four days 3 nights from the 21st till the 24th of december at perak!

If you've been to krc2 and krc3 you would know that this camp definitely definitely cannot be missed. And I heard this time the place we're staying at is awesome. The flying fox is at the river. The dorms are huge (more than 10 people in a dorm). I don't really remember the details right now so watch this space.

For those who have never been to a krc before , here some pictures.
And since orang dah complain asyik2 gambar fatayaats this entry will be full of syababs pictures!


It was a long bus trip to our bus destination but the view was awesome.

At the river in front of our dorms.

Waterfight syababs vs fatayaats!

This happened a LOT.

Dah mandi pat river , mandi pat waterfall pulak lah..

Syababs with ust and cik fazis on the way back from waterfall.

We played dress up.

This happened after they did some sort of human pyramid thing.

And that's all for pictures lah.PENAT.

Btw two more announcement.

Ustaz Ahmad is asking anyone who would want to design for the KRC4 t-shirts. Deadline is 10 december. SO START DESIGNING PEOPLE.

and also , fityan ghufran needs a new logo. So submit your logo entries to ust ahmad (or you can contact me) as soon as possible.

Last but not least have fun tommorow. And im not sure if you guys are aware but your parents are also invited for the dinner. =D

That's all for now , assalamualaikum

wishes you peace at 2:44 PM

Monday, November 27, 2006

Assalamualaikum semua.

Just want to say that I hope you guys know about the grand dinner we're going to have on the 29th november. It will be held at Tampines West Community Centre (yang dekat dengan darul takrim) from 7.45pm to 10pm.

Wear your prettiest and most handsome baju raya. And bring all your cameras (AMBIK GAMBAR YEY!) . And most important of all bring your invitation cards!!! Kalau tak , takbleh masuk

Pada sesiapa yang masih belum dapat the invitation cards please ask it from me (Raudah) , liyana or hamzah. Cause there are some people we've tried to contact but still tak dapat2!

Anyway thats all.


wishes you peace at 10:23 PM

Monday, November 20, 2006

11th november 2006
(pictures mostly taken from liyana's blog)

There were some more who joined us later. Ramai-ramai gini naik public transport tau! Jangan main-main.

It was nabilah's birthday. So she was happy about everything , even when she has a knife at her throat.

We were actually on our way out. Then Razinah took out the camera. Hence this is our automatic reaction to a camera

4 dara... *COUGH COUGH*

Kasut kita pon nak posing jugak


Basah kuyup baju gegerl.

As you can imagine... We occupied a whole SBS bus.

Highlights of the day:
-Eating the chocolate cake (it was nabilah's birthday)
-squeezing into one bus.
-Haza carrying a white and fluffy handbag.
-Ustaz Ahmad's anak sedara.

Btw , sorry eh syababs , asyik tgk muka2 jambu kita ajer. Nanti aku post gambar korang okay. Takmo nangis.

And an announcement to all fityan members. Night of 29th november the ghufran family will be having a grand dinner. Make yourself available okay.

Assalamualaikum semua.

wishes you peace at 12:12 AM

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